- Bubble tight bi-directional
- Scraper seat design
- Protects sealing surface of ball seat
- Removes particles, foreign object, slurry, etc.
- High Hardness of over HV2,000
- Pocketless Design
- Prevents buildup of solids inside the valve’s body deadspace
- ISO5211 mounting plate for actuator
- Standard full port design
- A variety of construction materials
- Multi Layer packing protect external leakage
- Seat springs provide ultimate sealing thanks to its elasticity during severe situations
- A wide selection of options for the stem is available
- Live loaded Packing assures reliable performance
- Low fugitive emissions for Stem sealing
- Anti-blowout stem
- Trunnion mounted and floating ball designs
- Full and reduced bore designs
- Jam free at high temperature
- Spring loaded seats results in bubble tight sealing at low pressure
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